
Thursday, October 13, 2005

Eve's Revenge Department, Continued

Two-headed rattlesnake found in San Angelo, Texas this week.
Hat tip: Houston Chronicle.

I've got one more bottle of jalapeno wine. Captions, anyone?


  1. "Two heads: not always better than one"

  2. Not a caption so much as a rumination (not for the contest)--been working on the Lenten texts for this article I'm writing, and one of them is the story from Numbers where God sends the serpents to bite the complaining Israelites. Moses is told to make a bronze serpent that the people will look on and live.

    Snakes in those times were said to represent evil and destruction, but also healing and creativity. Maybe this two-headed critter embodies both sides of the paradox right there in one.

  3. RM--
    That's very interesting. I wasn't aware that snakes were ever viewed in a positive light in Biblical times.

  4. I get the sense that it's rather syncretistic on the Israelites' part--other cultures of the day definitely viewed them more positively.

    That story in Numbers cracks me right up. The Israelites actually complain that they have NO food, then they complain that the food is bad! It's like children whining incoherently. (cough-adultstoo-cough) And it's like God is saying, "when I woke up this morning I had one nerve left and darned if you didn't get on it," and just up and sends the snakes.

  5. Anonymous1:04 PM

    In keeping with the baseball frenzy... "A Double Header", hee, hee. i couldn't help myself..

  6. Genetic engineering now makes it easier for politicians to speak out of both sides of their mouth.

  7. Warning: Excessive consumption of Jalapeno Wine found to cause halucinations.
