
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Indigo Children and Itchy Eared Parents

So your child is unruly, resists authority, and has little patience? The kid acts like royalty and shows no sense of guilt for bad or mean behavior?

If so, rejoice! Your child isn't a spoiled brat after all! No, No. You have a very SPECIAL child. An "Indigo child". One with an "indigo-colored aura" and unique traits like those described above. One that is extremely precocious with a strong desire to live instinctively. Lucky you!

There's even a website here that will explain it all for you. Psychics, channelers and synthesiasics can't be wrong, can they?

How many times do we have to be reminded-- "They will turn aside their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." 2 Timothy 4:4.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I had to wonder the first time I heard of indigo children. It struck me as strange that miniature sociopaths were being encouraged.

  2. Hmmm. born after 1975 ey? I have no explanation for the annoyance I was to MY parents...

  3. Such a pile of you-know-what, isn't it?

  4. Excuse me while I retrieve my eyeballs, which popped clean out of my head from the force of my eye-rolling.

    Look, I can totally believe that there are kids (and adults) who are strongly intuitive, because I have met such people. To then suggest that they are well-served by being indulged, coddled and under-disciplined... well, that is shall we say a leap of logic, and one with tragic results.

  5. I think indigo children are a status idea for needy parents. I saw the presentation on GMA, then read about the children on the 'net. More goofy new age stuff in my view.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Would Dr. Spock be proud?

    Maybe they will grow up and run for Congress or something. We need some Ted Kennedy replacements!

  7. How sad for both the parents and the children. I see it all the time on *Nanny 911*.

    ~laffin~ I think it is called manipulation.

  8. I used to have an indigo aura, but then I went out and bought some aura dye. Now it's plaid.

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    and Indigo used to be such a lovely colour too :)


  10. Anonymous3:09 PM

    commenting on the comments....such is the life of an Indigo...inhabiting a planet populated by arrogant human beings who baaaaaah ingnorantly as they chase their tails.....but who can remain angry with sheep?
