This is a picture I took of one of the vineyards we saw on our tours of the California Wine Country this weekend. Here are some random wine-y comments about it all:
- Learn to like goat cheese, flavored honeys, figs, olives, olive oil and bread. Not your mama's Wonder Bread--Artisan bread in wierd shapes. How do you make a sandwich out of that???)
- Looking back over the first comment, I wonder if California cuisine isn't just the Old Testament Diet minus the locusts.
- Actually, if you stuffed the locusts with sun-dried tomatoes and grilled them, then they might eat that too.
- Still am not a big fan of white wines.
- I learned to like Zinfandel.
- The weather was spectacular--clear, dry, sunny and coolish.
- The flowers were gorgeous!
- California is crowded, crowded, crowded with people. El Jefe observed that 1 in 9 Americans live there. You can tell.
- The Oakland airport is a madhouse between overcrowding and construction. I haven't seen security lines like that since just after 9/11.
- New vocabulary words: Brix, bottle shock, must (a noun), and tercetto.
- It's good to meet new people from different parts of the country who (shock and amazement!) have different points of view from me.
- When can I go back?
A special word for El Jefe, who left the Blackberry in the "off" position in the hotel room on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. There were a couple of his buddies who kept fooling around with theirs all weekend. So...all praise to thee, El Jefe!!