
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

NO Fadeout

Good friend Dorothy and I have an agreement: whenever we are tempted to overextend ourselves, we remind each other that it's time to have that international "NO" symbol re-tatooed on our foreheads to fend off the appeals.

Ahem. Going on vacation seems to have erased that NO from my forehead. Must be the jet lag. Since I got back I have agreed to:

Join the Discipleship Team at my church;

Help plan the Sunday School class studies for the class we have been attending;

Join the Stewardship Team at Presbytery which involves visiting a Tall Steeple Church session meeting and asking (begging) them to increase their benevolence giving;

Help a pastor friend find an intellectual property lawyer to help his church trademark the name of its annual community event;

And, last but not least, attend the Big Event planning meeting in Atlanta for RGBP, Inc. next month.

When I see Dorothy later this week I'll find out if her NO held up any better than mine.

I'm betting not.


  1. Ha ha!

    Step 1: We admit that we have a problem.

    Good luck!

  2. Yeah, m "no" button gets broken quite frequently, too. Prayers for discernment on how to most faithfully spend your time- and not get spent yourself!

  3. You just said "no" to no, that's all.

    (yoga's really good helping with over extending)

  4. Ack! I feel like crawling under a rock after just reading the list. I too have a problem with the word. Case in point - I agreed to do a wedding in a city two hours away when the bride and groom are complete strangers to me and have no ties at all to church or family. What's with that??!!

  5. (o) live and learn ... (From your mistakes)

  6. Well, I for one am happy about the last one.
