This is a picture I took of one of the vineyards we saw on our tours of the California Wine Country this weekend. Here are some random wine-y comments about it all:
- Learn to like goat cheese, flavored honeys, figs, olives, olive oil and bread. Not your mama's Wonder Bread--Artisan bread in wierd shapes. How do you make a sandwich out of that???)
- Looking back over the first comment, I wonder if California cuisine isn't just the Old Testament Diet minus the locusts.
- Actually, if you stuffed the locusts with sun-dried tomatoes and grilled them, then they might eat that too.
- Still am not a big fan of white wines.
- I learned to like Zinfandel.
- The weather was spectacular--clear, dry, sunny and coolish.
- The flowers were gorgeous!
- California is crowded, crowded, crowded with people. El Jefe observed that 1 in 9 Americans live there. You can tell.
- The Oakland airport is a madhouse between overcrowding and construction. I haven't seen security lines like that since just after 9/11.
- New vocabulary words: Brix, bottle shock, must (a noun), and tercetto.
- It's good to meet new people from different parts of the country who (shock and amazement!) have different points of view from me.
- When can I go back?
A special word for El Jefe, who left the Blackberry in the "off" position in the hotel room on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. There were a couple of his buddies who kept fooling around with theirs all weekend. So...all praise to thee, El Jefe!!
Cute cute.
And if they have said Old Testament Diet, it fits they would live like the old testament people.
stuff the locust in with the sundried tomatoes. Now that would be interesting.
Sounds wonderful. Especially the weather, which we could all stand a taste of.
I never have acquired a taste for dipping my bread in olive oil. But I do love it slathered in goat cheese!
I had no idea 1/9 Americans live in CA.
I also had no idea you would be posting. Impressive -- El Jefe's Blackberry restraint and your cool pre-wedding aplomb.
Glad you had fun, thanks for sharing.
Were there any cracks made about wanting to crush Blackberry's to really make the men whine?
ooh, fun to hear about this. we're going to visit friends in the Bay area in a few weeks, and will be spending a little time in wine country ourselves. But I already like Zinfandel :)
When I worked at The Presbytery Near Semi-Famous, But Not Including It, that picture was pretty much my view out my office window.
Not that I'm whining or anything. Noooo, I love 110 degrees in the Snow Belt.
Welcome home!
Please describe "cool weather" to me.
El Jefe is a brave man to leave his bb behind.
We should have our RGBP Conference in the Wine Country. Whatdoyathink?
I've been told that there is a PResbyterian Camp in the Sonoma area and that Presbyterian parents have been known, on occassion, to drop their darling children off there for a week of loving Christian nurture whilst they themselves tour the nearby vinyards . . . .
OOOOO! There is! It's called Westminster Woods Camp and Conference Center in Occidental California -- in the Sonoma wine area. If it has a conference center, then maybe that's a good place for the first RGBP Inc membership meeting...
Hey, PCIT--I resemble that remark!
My kids had many, many happy summer weeks at Westminster Woods. It is truly gorgeous, and remote. Easily a two hour drive from the nearest airport, and 30 minutes to the next "civilization", which is the tiny town of Occidental It's also kinda rustic. We're talking bunk cabins unless some new fancier building had been constructed in the last three years.
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