Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day Chez Grace

Portia's future in-laws flew in from Florida and spent the weekend with us. Portia, her fiance, and Babs all came over from Austin to join us. We had a wonderful time getting acquainted. We took them to see the place where the wedding reception will be held and they had a chance to particpate in some of the plans. They even survived meeting all the extended family (25 plus) Sunday evening and seemed to enjoy themselves. They're keepers, too!

Yesterday evening we all saw the Astros play the Cubs (and win!) and then a great fireworks display at the ballpark. The fireworks were choreographed to music--which included each of the armed services songs, the Stars and Stripes Forever and a collection of obscure country western songs. It is Houston, after all.

On this Fourth of July, I am surrounded by first-generation Americans from all over the world in my neighborhood and city as Sugar Land and Houston are among the most ethnically diverse populations in the country. With all her faults, America is still "a shining city on a hill whose beacon light guides freedom loving people everywhere", as Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address to the nation. May God grant us the wisdom, the character and the courage to fulfill that promise in the future so that, like Abraham, we will have been blessed to be a blessing.


Gannet Girl said...

This is such a nice piece ~

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...
