Friday, July 14, 2006

Reverendmother's Pet Peeve Meme

Reverendmother of the RevGalBlogPals posted today's Friday Five on the topic of pet peeves. Heh-heh. I'm in a snarky mood today, so this is just perfect!

1. Grammatical pet peeve

Run-on sentences and professional jargon, be it LegalSpeak, ChurchSpeak, AccountantSpeak, EducatorSpeak or whatever. Yeah, verily, for it is written "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."

2. Household pet peeve

Picking up used dishware in the family room left by twenty-something daughters and friends. Yes, Portia and Babs. This means YOU.

3. Arts & Entertainment pet peeve (movie theaters, restaurants, concerts)

People who are famous for being famous and have no talent, intelligence, knowledge or wit to recommend them. Example: Paris Hilton.

4. Liturgical pet peeve

I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me. Can't even go there.

5. Wild card--pet peeve that doesn't fit any of the above categories

Bonus: Because
all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God: What do YOU do that others might consider a pet peeve?

I have a brain glitch about left and right. Although I know which is which, I always hesitate when asked to give left/right directions. This drives El Jefe CRA-ZEE.

And what are YOUR pet peeves, my friends?


St. Casserole said...

What's wrong with hesitating about giving left and right info? I do this, too. It helps if I lift up my hands, palms outward, and see which hand makes an "L" with my thumb and forefinger. That's the left hand!

Wish I'd been taught this as a child.

I have younger children and they are messy cup/dish leavers and place shoes all over the house. Right now, a pair of size 14 running shoes is beside our back door waiting for the owner to claim them. Three days and counting. Yuk

Unknown said...

My daughter left a cup of milk and an unfinished bowl of cereal out today. When we returned from a trip to hear a concert at my son's camp, both had curdled. Yuck!!! I'm not happy that you're telling me it won't get better.

Unknown said...

I find myself thinking in terms of "turn west on route U and then turn south on route CC."

Many people need to have that translated into right and left, and while I do my best, I occasionally get it wrong...