Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tag, I'm It

I've been tagged for that book meme that's been going around by Michael Kruse.

One book that changed your life: I don't know that it changed my life, but when I was in college I was a big fan of Lord of the Rings.

One book that you’ve read more than once: The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris

One book you’d want on a desert island: Any book by Dave Barry. I'd need to laugh!

One book that made you laugh: St. Fidgeta and Other Parodies by John Bellairs.
One book that made you cry: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. As the mother of two daughters, this book creeped me out.

One book you wish you had written: Eloise by Kay Thompson. This was my daughters' favorite book. We read it over and over again for years.

One book you wish had never been written: Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler.

One book you’re currently reading: Run With the Horses by Eugene Peterson

One book you’ve been meaning to read: Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. The whole thing. It probably is not going to happen.

I'm supposed to tag 5 other people, but I've already seen this on lots of other blogs. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play and leave me a comment so I can visit you.


reverendmother said...

TOTALLY agree about the Lovely Bones. A friend recommended it, and I had no idea what it was about. I brought it with me when I preached at Mondo Youth Conference--I had to be there early with the planning team. It was the first time I'd been away from little she-who-is for any length of time, I was in my room in an almost-deserted Assembly Inn, and was Freaking. Out.

Michael Kruse said...

What? You haven't read the Institutes? I thought surely that was one requirement that could not be scrupled. :)

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing an acquaintance who teaches at another seminary talk about meeting a Presbyterian minister who had never even *heard* of the Institutes! So maybe intending to read them isn't so bad...

Mkellynotes said...

I think you have a super blog.
I posted my Book Mime answers