Ever since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it seems to me that our local television weatherpersons have decided that they can't give us too much information or too many dire warnings about the weather. If there's any possibility of severe weather they deluge us with constant warnings and alerts.
So, unfortunately, El Jefe has become obsessed with weather forecasts lately. I think it all began when he realized that his Blackberry could display the latest radar screen from the Weather Service. And that he could "refresh" the aforementioned screen approximately once every three minutes if he had a mind to. And believe me, he has a mind to.
We've been under a tornado warning all afternoon and he just came in and flashed that little screen at me so I could see the severe weather was moving more slowly that expected. Great. Like I can do anything about it other than fret.
The result of all this TMI is to ratchet up the fret quotient Chez QG exponentially. El Jefe knows exactly when the local tv news on each network broadcasts its forecasts and woe betide us if we miss it. Then for good measure he checks the computer for the latest radar just to confirm or contradict what he just heard.
Resident therapist Babs pointed out to her dad that he was displacing his anxiety about having too much work onto the weather. A sage observation that EJ actually agreed with. Not that agreeing with it has helped much, though.
Someone recently asked me if I could predict the weather with my bad knee. Not really, but El Jefe doesn't have to know that. Maybe I can convince him that twinges from my knee are more reliable that the Blackberry weather radar site? ~sigh~ I didn't think so, either.
So, unfortunately, El Jefe has become obsessed with weather forecasts lately. I think it all began when he realized that his Blackberry could display the latest radar screen from the Weather Service. And that he could "refresh" the aforementioned screen approximately once every three minutes if he had a mind to. And believe me, he has a mind to.
We've been under a tornado warning all afternoon and he just came in and flashed that little screen at me so I could see the severe weather was moving more slowly that expected. Great. Like I can do anything about it other than fret.
The result of all this TMI is to ratchet up the fret quotient Chez QG exponentially. El Jefe knows exactly when the local tv news on each network broadcasts its forecasts and woe betide us if we miss it. Then for good measure he checks the computer for the latest radar just to confirm or contradict what he just heard.
Resident therapist Babs pointed out to her dad that he was displacing his anxiety about having too much work onto the weather. A sage observation that EJ actually agreed with. Not that agreeing with it has helped much, though.
Someone recently asked me if I could predict the weather with my bad knee. Not really, but El Jefe doesn't have to know that. Maybe I can convince him that twinges from my knee are more reliable that the Blackberry weather radar site? ~sigh~ I didn't think so, either.
Well, now I am going to have to displace my anxiety over too much work to worry about El Jefe's anxiety over the weather!
(At least until everyones' tax returns are finished)
my goodness if i didn't know better it'd sound like you were married to a farmer...
Hmmm. My father remains weather-obsessed after a lifetime in agriculture.
I suggest that you do NOT tell El Jefe after the little instant warning system that you could purchase as a dining room centerpiece, the one that could awaken you from a sound sleep many rooms and possibly two floors away with the abrupt and very loud announcement that THERE IS A POSSIBLE SIGHTING OF A TORNADO IN NEW MEXICO, DUE WEST OF TEXAS AND ONLY 1000 MILES AWAY, AND WE WILL UPDATE YOU EVERY 60 SECONDS AS IT PROGRESSES EASTWARD.
Nope. Don't tell him about it.
I was watching the weather channel last night and praying for ya'll. I guess I don't have to do that anymore since your hubby has it all under control. *snickers*
We do have an instant warning system, attached to the radio/intercom in the house. It doesn't work unless the radio is on, though, and I think he's forgotten about it. Thankfully.
Plus its old technology and not nearly as fun as watching that live radar screen...
And, everyone, this morning I can report there was no tornado, no flooding, no hail, no thunderstorms here. All that worry for nothing!
~teeth grinding~
Ah yes, the weather ... we watch it too, mostly repeated online checks when it's acting up. Right now, it's rain, more rain and even more rain in SE Missouri. Hang in there!
Stephen Ambrose once commented that the two groups that he had known who were the best natural weather forecasters were farmers and infantrymen. As a former infantry officer, I can sympathize with El Jefe. And yes, I drive my family crazy.
We had 100 mile an hour winds last night out at DFW airport. So glad I didn't know that until AFTER it stopped blowing!
Pastor Bob brought his weather radio to lunch with him yesterday-- we made him leave it in the car though. He needs to get with El Jefe on this little obsession.
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