Wednesday, February 03, 2010

BSD Lecture Coming Up!

In a couple of weeks I will be giving a lecture on Romans 8 for our Bible Study Discussion program. I have about 50 minutes in which to do it for about 200 women on a Thursday morning. Oh, boy!

Our groups are studying Paul's letter to the Romans, chapter by chapter. Since this is the middle of the book, I think it is a good time to include a brief review and summary of the first 7 chapters as well as a look ahead to what is to come. It better be brief because Romans 8 is the apogee of Paul's letter--and one of the most significant chapters in all of the Bible.

Chapter divisions in the Bible can be helpful or arbitrary. In the case of Romans, they are arbitrary and don't always come at logical places in Paul's densely written argument. That makes a lecture on one chapter challenging!

If any of my Gentle Readers can give me suggestions for resources for this assignment, I would be most appreciative! I'm using Paul for Everyone by N.T. Wright and the Interpretation series commentary on Romans, written by Paul Achtemeier as well as the study notes in the NIV Study Bible, the Oxford (NRV) Study Bible.


mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said...

Love, love, love Romans!

I've used "The Story of Romans" by A Katherine Grieb (in the interest of full disclosure, she was my thesis advisor) for a Bible folks loved it and found it reasonably accessible - you might find some interesting material there.

Rev Kim said...

You've listed my go-to sources for Romans. Maybe check out Calvin's commentary? I think you can find it online. Even if the content is too dense for most of your listeners, he's always good for a quote or two to bring a thought home.

JD Jespersen said...
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JD Jespersen said...

If you enjoy Tom Wright, it's worth noting that in the New Interpreter's Bible commentary put out by Abingdon Press, he was put in charge of doing Romans so that would be a more lengthy and thorough interpretation from him.

Elaine said...

My minister has been teaching Romans and putting the lectures on ITunes. Do a search on Oklahoma City Westminster, it should pop up. I think Chapter 8 is this week -- maybe, last week.

Norman, Oklahoma