Monday, February 01, 2010

Looking for that Special Verse

Yesterday in worship, members of our church's third grade Sunday School class were each given a Bible. This is an annual custom in our church. The translation they are given is the NIV Adventure Bible.

The senior pastor told them he had highlighted a different verse in each Bible --one that he had chosen specially for each child--and signed his name by it. A very thoughtful gesture, especially since there were 55 children involved!

I wonder how many kids started looking for their verse as soon as they sat down again in the pew?


Anonymous said...

what a great idea for personalizing the bibles for each child!! i would bet that they all have their verse memorized by now!

Rev Kim said...

What a great idea, which I will remember and borrow.

Teri said...

Love it!! I too plan to borrow...

recovering baptist said...

I love it too, and it's really not that difficult. You get input from people that know the children. I've done similar in the past with bible studies. At christmas I sent cards thanking folk for various spiritual gifts they have exercised during the past year and included a verse.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That is so very special!