Monday, July 11, 2005

VBS Monday Report

It's Vacation Bible School week at our church, so I am planning to post several VBS updates.

The stage was set in the sanctuary for Day One of Vacation Bible School 2005. "The Kingdom of the Son" backdrop is complete and waiting for 80 children to arrive for registration and opening of the program.

Registration went very well and the kids settled in rapidly. We had plenty of adult and youth volunteers on hand to be with the kids throughout the morning. Our one minor glitch was a buggy computer that refused to play the program DVD on the screen--but we worked around that using one of the church's TV's on a cart. Technology is great until it doesn't work when you need it to!

We chose the Kingdom of the Son curriculum because it teaches the children the Lord's Prayer and its meaning throughout the course of the week. Today the focus was on the following verses: "Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Since most of the children attend our church or school, we wanted to do something that would be different from the curriculums offered there. Other children attending who may not have much exposure to religious education will benefit by learning about this familiar Christian prayer.

The other minor glitch we had was the weather. By noon it was already about 99 degrees, much too hot for the children to be able to play games out doors as planned. So tomorrow we're setting up the Fellowship Hall for that purpose--heat exhaustion is a definite no-no at VBS!

There's no problem with heat in the Craft Room as the kids work on their projects--drums made out of plastic coffee containers. The drums will accompany them in worship on Sunday when they sing "The Lord's Prayer" for the congregation.

Parents may not appreciate this craft as much as some of the quieter ones that will go home with the kids at the end of the week!

1 comment:

spookyrach said...

All right! Coffee can drums!! Those are the best. Good week!