Friday, August 05, 2005

Response to March of the Penguins

Blessed are you, O Lord Our God, King of the Universe, that Thou has Not Made Me a Penguin.

For Lo, the penguin parents march 70 miles several times to mate, incubate the egg and nurture the chick in temperatures averaging minus 58 degrees F. And further, lo, at the end of this 9 month cycle, their chick is grown and the parents part from him and each other and then, instead of happily retiring and awaiting the blessing of grand-chicks, MUST START THE WHOLE THING ALL OVER AGAIN UNTIL THEY DIE.

Verily, if thou thinkest that man's life is full of sound and fury signifying nothing, then consider the penguin and count your blessings.

Gratuitous advice: If you go see this movie (which has amazing photography), wear long pants and take a sweater. Trust me -- you'll be glad you did after viewing blizzards, ice and snow for an hour and a half in an overcooled theatre.


St. Casserole said...

I've heard the movie is great.
Grace, WEDDING CRASHERS is hilarious and breaks all the ethical rules we live to uphold. I laughed through the entire movie. Wear sunglasses so no one will recognize you at the theater...

Jody Harrington said...

Cass, Babs confirms your opinion of Wedding Crashers. Guess I'll be sneaking off for the early bird showing incognito...

Anonymous said...


we don't have overcooled theatres here, but that's cos the weather outside might be similar to the antartic at times. But the road to parenting is very different praise God :)