This beautiful angel is one of the Tiffany windows at the First Presbyterian Church in Orange, Texas. Hurricane Rita came ashore right over her. This church and these windows have survived many hurricanes since built in the early 1900's.
My cousin from Orange reports that half of the copper covering the dome of the church blew off , but is hanging. They think the plexiglass covers on the Tiffany windows may also have blown off, but the windows appear to be intact. She says that you need a chainsaw to go anywhere--half of all the trees are down. Also 90 % of the businesses were damaged, probably by tornados. The good news is that there was no flooding so this other damage is covered by insurance.
We didn't even loose power at our house and got less than 1/2 inch of rain. We're getting back to normal. Gas is still in short supply and no stores or businesses are open. In our area southwest of Houston, though, I think we'll be back to normal by Monday. It will take a little longer in the center of Houston.
Outside the air feels weird. There's no other way to describe it. Weathermen say that our barometric pressure remains unusually low. It's still quite hot and humid and there are periodic gusty breezes.
Traffic is already building on the highways as people are returning home. Although local officials are begging people to follow a proposed staggered return schedule over the next 3 days, its doubtful that will be very successful.
There's a little blog game that several of the RevGalPals have played lately. You find the 23rd post on your blog and then locate the 5th sentence and post it. Here's mine: "Whew!" Really. I kid you not.
Praise God and pass the 'ritas.
The former pastor at First, Orange, commented on this post and says the windows are not Tiffany windows but were made by J & R Lamb studios in New York. Thanks, Sam, for setting me straight on that!
I remember that weird-air feeling.
So glad you all are OK.
Glad you weathered the storm reasonably well. We were praying for you.
23:5...mine was "Don't you think I should have lost a pound or two?" That seems to be a continual theme in my life. As Apostle John would say, "Aaarrrgghh."
Praise God and pass the 'ritas, indeed!
So glad you are all okay.
I'm so glad to hear your update. "Whew!" indeed.
Nevermind the church -- how is the Whataburger? Any damage? Is it up and running 24/7?
I just read on the Orange site given by Anonymous, above, that the damage done to the power system in Orange is much worse than what happened in New Orleans with Katrina. Of course, Orange is much much smaller than NO, but--I think it's a safe bet that even the Whataburger is closed.
The windows are not Tiffany but J & R Lamb Studios out of New York.
Thanks, Sam, for the correction. I'll add it to the post.
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