Today is the first blog-versary of Quotidian Grace.
Back in February of 2005, I attended the annual meeting of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators and was inspired by the keynote speaker, Leonard Sweet, to explore the idea of blogging. After lurking for a couple of months, reading lots of blogs and a couple of books about blogging, Quotidian Grace was born on this day.
My very first commenter remains one of my favorite bloggers--St. Cassarole. Little did either of us know that 2005 would turn our worlds upside down because of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Houston area returned to "normal" but continues to struggle to accomodate the large number of Katrina evacuees that remain here, while St. Cassarole's Mississippi Gulf Coast continues to suffer from the devastation of Katrina and live with the very slow rebuilding effort.
A few months later a group of bloggers led by Reverend Mommy, Reverendmother, Songbird and St. Cassarole created the RevGalsBlogPals blogging ring which Quotidian Grace joined. It has now expanded to over 130 members! What a privilege it has been to get to know so many of these wonderful people through this medium and to contribute to their devotional books--A Light Blazes in the Darkness and the soon-to-be-published Ordinary Time.
I've also been enlightened, entertained, and inspired by a number of non-RGBP bloggers such as John at Locusts and Honey, Will Spotts at PCUSA Elders, Michael Kruse at the Kruse Kronicle, Rev Ed at Attention Span and Bro. Greg. Mindy and Spooky Rach are two very special homegirl bloggers-- and who can forget their Texas Towncar o' Justice? (Mindy recently joined RGBP).
What will the next year of blogging bring? Portia's wedding, fun and games at Lakewood Church, Presbyterian follies, midyear election hi-jinks in the land of Tom DeLay, and other quotidian happenings will probably be included in QG's continuing search for grace in everyday life.
Stay tuned!
Back in February of 2005, I attended the annual meeting of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators and was inspired by the keynote speaker, Leonard Sweet, to explore the idea of blogging. After lurking for a couple of months, reading lots of blogs and a couple of books about blogging, Quotidian Grace was born on this day.
My very first commenter remains one of my favorite bloggers--St. Cassarole. Little did either of us know that 2005 would turn our worlds upside down because of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Houston area returned to "normal" but continues to struggle to accomodate the large number of Katrina evacuees that remain here, while St. Cassarole's Mississippi Gulf Coast continues to suffer from the devastation of Katrina and live with the very slow rebuilding effort.
A few months later a group of bloggers led by Reverend Mommy, Reverendmother, Songbird and St. Cassarole created the RevGalsBlogPals blogging ring which Quotidian Grace joined. It has now expanded to over 130 members! What a privilege it has been to get to know so many of these wonderful people through this medium and to contribute to their devotional books--A Light Blazes in the Darkness and the soon-to-be-published Ordinary Time.
I've also been enlightened, entertained, and inspired by a number of non-RGBP bloggers such as John at Locusts and Honey, Will Spotts at PCUSA Elders, Michael Kruse at the Kruse Kronicle, Rev Ed at Attention Span and Bro. Greg. Mindy and Spooky Rach are two very special homegirl bloggers-- and who can forget their Texas Towncar o' Justice? (Mindy recently joined RGBP).
What will the next year of blogging bring? Portia's wedding, fun and games at Lakewood Church, Presbyterian follies, midyear election hi-jinks in the land of Tom DeLay, and other quotidian happenings will probably be included in QG's continuing search for grace in everyday life.
Stay tuned!
I heart QG and I am so happy that she is one and I know her!
Deep in the heart of Texas
*Clap Clap Clap*
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
(maybe we can have a TX/OK RevGal Roundup one of these days--
hmm--Red River RevGal Roundup. . .
A Red River RevGal (plus Spooky Rach) roundup would be truly awesome!
Congrats! Glad you are here!
Happy Birthday QG!
Happy Birthday QG. Your approach is unique and your blog is always interesting.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Blogversary QG!!!
Happy belated birthday. I'm sorry so late. But I wish the best for you in your future blogging and God bless.
sorry I'm late. But I'm glad you write. You are an awesome writer and great asset in Rev Gals.
thank you for inspiring and most of all just 'being'
Hey! Congrats, although belatedly, on the anniversary! I would love a Red River Roundup. Completely.
You always make me smile.
Happy Birthday! I'm surprised I was the first commentor because I am often the last one. Like here.
Love your blog and love you.
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