Sunday, May 07, 2006

Found: The Gospel of Debbie

From The New Yorker: a translation from the high-school Aramaic of The Gospel of Debbie.

You will, like, totally love it.

Hat tip: John


annie said...

Hmmm, I wonder when the movie will come out?

mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said...

...with Britney Spears playing Debbie...or Mary Magdalene...

Giggling madly. I needed that this morning.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

OMG!! So funny!

Anonymous said...

I was having a really rotten day. One of those, the office coffee pot decides to self-destruct and dump hot coffee all over the kitchen area kind of days. Anyway, on my way to the store to buy a new coffee pot; I hear something on the radio that makes me wonder when we got so busy telling God what he does and doesn't understand and turning Jesus into a buddy who wants whatever we do -- that we forgot the commandment to fear God.

This was the next thing across my computer screen.

I think the movie should be called Debbie Does the Disciples.

Norman, OK