Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Jury That Prays Together

The local media is just full of stories following the verdict in the Enron trial in which Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling were both found guilty. In Houston, where so many people lost their jobs and life savings when Enron imploded, this is a very big story.

On the front page of today's paper, under the headline "ENRON JURY; WE PRAYED, TOO", is a report revealing that the jury prayed every morning before its deliberations. According to a couple of the jurors who were interviewed, the group which was composed of people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, took turns praying.

"We wanted the truth, we wanted that guidance. Like Mr. Lay said, the Lord was in control and that's what happened," said juror Freddy Delgado.

There were lots of prayers going up from the defendants in the case and the victims of the crash of the company during the jury's deliberations for acquittal and conviction. Isn't it wonderful to know that this jury was also praying to God to help them determine the truth in the case?


Unknown said...

Well I'll be, I didn't know this, thanks for posting on this. I really think its poor when people invoke God as a proctection over them when they have done wrong like Lay and Skilling. Makes me wonder how the HealthSouth trial would have gone if they had prayed or how any of the trials would turn out if they prayed. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about all you Houstonians this week between the verdict and Lloyd Bentsen's death. What a week.

I'm glad the jury prayed.

opinionated said...

Will this be the next violation of political correctness? No prayer in the courthouse?