El Jefe is delighted that both of his daughters are back in Houston and out of Austin. He never figured out how to drive in Austin and he often remarked that he couldn't wait to get both of them out of there. I think he just missed them and wanted them living closer to home.
So Babs will be living at home for a while as she looks for a counseling job in our area now that she has completed her masters in counseling and has her temporary Licensed Professional Counselor certification. We'll enjoy having her company, but know that the time will soon come when she moves out on her own.
Welcome home, Babs!
Ah, kids! You can't live with them and you can't live without . . .actually, you CAN live without them, but it does take some adjustment.
I moved back home for a spell when I was twenty something or so. In the end it was a good thing. Although in the short years I'd been gone, my mom and I were shocked to learn that we were both now Alpha Females. Redefining of boundaries solved most of it and we ended up closer than before.
Blessings on all of you in this transition time. If your area is anything like ours, a skilled and well-educated counselor will find a job quickly. There is so much need for compassionate care - your community is blessed to have your daughter back, just as you and El Jefe are.
They can come home again?
Please don't mention this to #1 Son.
(Just kidding. Mostly.)
It's so funny how we have perspectives on Houston and Austin---that El Jefe wants his girls back in Houston and my kids WANT to be in Austin. Even oldest son DC who graduated from A&M chose to go to Austin before he even had a job there. And now he and his wife (another Aggie) live in Austin.
Hope the transition is smooth and bumpLESS for all concerned!
Yay! I know the time will be short and precious.
Of course, there is that Alpha Female thing that PG mentioned...
Glad you have Babs home again!
I can't drive in Houston without recommitting my life to God intersection by intersection. How can driving in Austin be worse?
Driving in Austin is worse because Austin tries to stifle its population growth by NOT expanding its infrastructure--like roads and freeways.
Plus you have over 50,000 college students, each in their own suv or pickup truck, to contend with!
Yeah, but boy do I love Austin. The traffic is worth it...and I say this as a native Houstonian who is VERY loath to drive in that swampy place ever again!
Welcome home to Babs!
Enjoy your time with her!
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