We formed the corporation, approved the by-laws, elected the officers and had several business meetings through the miracle of modern technology. However there comes a point when trying to conduct a meeting via chatroom and/or email is just too inefficient.
So we're gathering in the Atlanta area today through Wednesday, thanks to Reverendmommy who arranged for her church to host our meeting and who is acting as facilitator for the meeting. Each director is traveling at her own expense, too. That's how dedicated this group is to making RGBP Inc. successful. The main item on the agenda is planning for the Big Event (a conference for RGBP Inc.), in 2008.
Mary Beth, fellow Texas blogger, is the only one of the group I've had the pleasure of meeting in person. I've talked on the phone to Songbird several times, but other than that only know these friends through their blogs and comments. Yet I feel like they are already good friends. What a blessing.
Bloggers that we are, I'm sure we'll be posting from Atlanta the next couple of days.
Bloggers that we are, I'm sure we'll be posting from Atlanta the next couple of days.
Legal-Type BoilerPlate and Small Print: QG has picked up several new readers in the last few months who may not be familiar with the RevGals webring or why we formed a non-profit corporation. (Click on the hyper-linked text for more information.) We received our 501-c-3 designation from the IRS and so we are eligible to receive grants and tax-deductible contributions.
I'm so excited to finally meet you!
I can't believe I get to meet the Mom of Congress!
Yippee Skippee!
Wishing I could be there to meet you all -- will be praying for you and I do thank all of you for what you are doing!
Oh I forgot to say -- I love the image you have of the RGBP in the swimsuits!
It's our seasonal logo! :)
Well, y'all certainly LOOK like the visionaries you are!
I'm so jealous! Y'all have a good time, now, ya hear?
love the postcard :)
appreciate you all for who you are - and for what you do and are trying to do
and three cheers for RevMommy who is facilitating this.
You lot rock :)
Good planning ladies!!!! Although I'll wager there will be large doses of playing and fun mixed in with the planning.
You look great ... and you do great work .. thank you ... and to be sure you mix in large doses of playing.
It's wonderful to be a "new reader" with the RevGalBlogPals. I'm amazed at this organization and all you inspired and motivated women! Have fun together.
Blessings to you and all the rest of the executive, and a multitude of thanks to all of you for your dedication and hard work on our behalf.
Well. . . we are eagerly awaiting a report! Are you guys already having too much fun?
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