Today El Jefe's firm made him turn in his laptop computer for a new model. This is a high anxiety moment for El Jefe, who is NOT the least bit geeky. That makes QG the resident geek. So I'm offering up this prayer as I attempt to install software on the darn thing. I'm a Mac girl, myself, but the firm's network is not. I did not need this aggravation today!
From Windows and crashes
And error messages
And endless downloads of printer drivers and updates,
Good Lord, deliver us!
P.S. Dear Lord, make the firm go Mac.
I am not a Mac user, but for your sake, I echo your prayer!
It has been years since I last used a Mac. I remember loving it then, but have been a PC user for so long now that I don't remember why. Is it really that much better? I've often wondered . . .
I feel your pain, QG. I am the sole Mac user in a house with a Linex and a PC. And who do you think is the only one who can rescue their e-mail???
We must remind everyone that Windows is the PC's attempt to translate DOS into what Mac already does inherently. As in: One step with a Mac equals 8 steps or more with a PC!!!!!
Viva La Mac-olution!!!
QG - prayers for your computers.
The post script: not likely :)
hee hee! good luck!
My problem is worse.
Yesterday just before lunch my office computer caught a super-virus. The desktop IT folks here (I'm in Application Development) declared it a loss, shut down the bad stuff long enough for me to get my data off, and reformatted the hard drive.
I'm on a loaner for a few days while they rebuild.
The Scientist shares your denominational affiliation and would fervently echo your P.S.
Work-related software published only for Windows forces me to be bilingual, but I feel your pain.
There's a very amusing short essay by Umberto Eco about the sectarian differences between PC- and Mac-users. He argues that PCs, with their text-oriented processes, are for Protestants, and Macs, with their iconic and visual approach, are for Catholics. I'm sure the essay is out there on the web somewhere.
I like your prayer but it got me thinking. Maybe we need an entire liturgy of software installation. :)
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