Monday, October 08, 2007

Reviewing the Review

From time to time I like to post book reviews on this blog. The books I choose to review are books that I can generally recommend to readers and friends, even if I have some criticism of them. Last week I made an exception and posted a review of a book that I really, really disliked. In fact, as I admitted, the book and its author got my goat.

It's interesting that this post attracted an unusual number of comments. Usually one of the book review posts gets two to six comments, but this one got more than 20. I didn't realize it when I wrote the post that Oprah would interview the author of that book a couple of days after my review, so the book was getting a lot of attention. That prompted more comments, of course. It's no surprise that Oprah was all over this book and author, eating it up with a spoon, because it fits right in with Oprah's advocacy of a vague sort of "the Universe is telling you something" spiritualism. Oh, drat, there I go again!

Bloggers love comments, and I do, too. Because that book had received a lot of praise and is number 1 on the NY Times best-seller list, I decided to make an exception to my usual policy and explain why I was very critical of it. But my goal with Quotidian Grace is to highlight what is positive and grace-filled in life, rather than focus on what is negative and destructive. So I've resolved to resist the temptation to post negative reviews and focus on the positive, even at the cost of (sob!) fewer comments.

Unless someone gets my goat. Again. :-)


Gannet Girl said...

So does this mean I can't do a series on Britney?

Unknown said...

So you won't be reviewing "The Secret?"

Jody Harrington said...

Well, GG, I think Britney fits in the "goat"exemption, so go for it.

Songbird--you temptress, you!

Lori said...

Glad you got your goat back! That's good news.

Actually I found that review to be quite positive. It positively persuaded me not to waste my money and time on it. Don't hang your hat up on critical reviews quite yet.

Unknown said...

Hi QG: I understand fully. I have also tried to keep things positive, but some things just cry out for some sort of engagement. When that time comes I feel I am doing well to keep from attacking the messenger when it is the message that needs to be rebutted.

As for "Britney Spears" -- Mike Kruse has pointed out that her name is an anagram of "Presbyterian". What can one make of this?

Oops. Let's not go there.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

The Secret *spits*

I like your goat. ~grins~

Anonymous said...

Yeah, leave those critical commentaries to bloggers like me!


But seruously, there is a time and place for cultural criticism and you have always shown a wise balance to your choice of when and where to use your well-honed wit.

I think we all need a good row, now and again. Thanks!

Jody Harrington said...

Thanks, Toby. I'm hoping the "goat" exception will cover the times when we need a good row!

will said...

"The "goat" exception"?

I think the lawyer in you is showing...