Friday, April 29, 2005

Fidgeta is Found!

Rejoice with me, for the book of St. Fidgeta has been found! I feel like the woman in the parable who searched for the lost coin. Thanks to those of you who gave suggestions for obtaining a replacement.

In commemoration of this eventful day, herewith some readings from the Book of Fidgeta.
(Lawyerese small print: St. Fidgeta and Other Parodies by John Bellairs, The MacMillian Company, 1966).

" Facts About St. Fidgeta

St. Fidgeta is the patroness of nervous and unmanageable children. Her shrine is the church of Santa Fidgeta in Tormento, near Fobbio in southern Italy. There one may see the miraculous statue of St. Fidgeta...

This statue has been seen to squirm noticeably on her feast day, and so on that day restless children from all over Europe have been dragged to the shrine by equally nervous, worn-out and half-mad parents. Though no diminution has been noticed in the fidgeting of those children, the feeling is that the restlessness will at least be converted into meritorious work by the action of the saint.

On this point, see Tertullian, who proves that fidgeting is (or can be) useful unto salvation. Also, see Gregory of Mopsuestia, on fidgeting as a prelude to mystical experience."

In my previous post, I made reference to St. Adiposa, one of the members of the Order of the Faithful Fidgettines (O.F.F.) who lived in the first Fidgettine convent built next to the church of Santa Fidgeta in Tormento.

Another famous saint from the order was St. Pudebunda "who on her wedding night decided that God had called her to a life of spotless virginity. The causes of her death that very night are not known, but the pious may guess at them. She was posthumously admitted to the order."

Let us pray:
Prayer Against Enemies
(Attributed to St. Dragomira--more about her another day)

"O Fidgeta, who dost cause the unrighteous to scratch where it does not itch, grant that the hateful N. may be afflicted with tickles, the stitch, the cramp, underarm rash, prickly foot and all manner of unexplained twinges."

Here endeth the lesson.

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