Tuesday, March 16, 2010

QG is 5 Today!

For some reason I was browsing through some of my posts from a couple of years ago when it dawned on me: today is QG's Fifth Blogversary!

It's hard to believe I've been blogging for five years. When I first started blogging I wasn't sure if I would keep it up or not.

But I did, and met many wonderful friends along the way as we have shared laughter and tears, faith and doubt, good books and bad, good weather and hurricanes through the magic of the internet.

Facebook and Twitter have become more popular than blogging for many in the last couple of years. But I still love this medium because it encourages thoughtful composition and the interchange of ideas between the writer and the reader.

I'm so grateful for the friendship and encouragement of my Gentle Readers. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each one of you!


Jane Ellen+ said...

It surely doesn't seem that long, does it? I am grateful to say you are one of the people with whom I've shared this virtual journey.

Happy blogiversary, QG!

Averill said...

Congrats, Moomie! You're definitely a pioneer...and to think I was so skeptical of blogging when you started!

...And I agree: blogging beats tweeting or facebooking any day.

Michael Kruse said...

Happy birthday!

Mac said...

Happy Birthday. I have been introduced to face page or whatever it is called by my 13 year old, but with its limit on comments and endless reports of successes in Farmville or Farkle or other games, it gets confusing.

Here's to many more years of looking forward to the next post from our friend QG.

stinuksuk said...

Happy Belated Blogiversary QG!!
Appreciate your blog and yes, many more posts to come!!!

Rev Kim said...

Happy Belated Blogiversary! This is one of my favorite stops in the blogosphere. I haven't blogged since before Christmas! Yes, FB does take its toll. But I agree with you on the advantages of blogging over FB, and since I've had some posts brewing over the past months, I'll be getting back into it. At some point.

Reformed Catholic said...

Mazel Tov !!

And I echo the sentiments of FB ;)

Lori said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday!!