Monday, October 31, 2005

The L'il Trick or Treater


It's the littleist goblin this Halloween--my newest niece, Annie. She's six weeks old and the best baby ever!

Inquiring minds want to know how the RevGals opinions of best and worst Halloween candy compare to those of real-life kids. (See Songbird's Phantasmagorical Phriday Phive )

So thanks to today's Houston Chronicle, here are the 10 top faves and boos of a local fourth grade class:

Two Skeleton Thumbs Up for:

1. M&M's
2. Hershey minis
3. Kit-Kat minis
4. Snickers
5. Nestle Crunch
6. Reese's Cups
7. Skittles
8. Tootsie Rolls
9. Super Bubble Gum
10. Gummy Bears, Worms and Body Parts


1. Dots
2. Raisins
3. Granola Bars
4. Atkinson's Peanut Butter Bars
5. Peanut Kisses
6. Bit-o-Honey
7. Twizzlers
8. Goldfish Crackers
9. Bottle Caps (Bottle Caps????)
10. Fruit

It's not hard to see that the RevGals are still young at heart! Note the strong chocolate theme in the faves and the disgust for "healthy" treats in the Boos. I have to think that anyone who actually gave an Atkinson's bar as a treat at Halloween is evil through and through.

Trust your instincts, friends, when buying your candy for tonight's spooks and goblins!

Whatever the origins of Halloween, it is now a time of fantasy and imagination for kids and grown-ups alike. These are gifts of God, too. If you're lucky enough to have young trick-or-treaters at home, enjoy them with all your might!


Bad Alice said...

bottle caps are the soda-flavored tablets, a bit like sweet tarts.

what an adorbable baby! too too cute.

jo(e) said...

What an adorable photo!

I have to say that I think gummy worms are disgusting. Just the texture creeps me out.

Anonymous said...

She is a real sweet pea!!

By the way, I remember soda caps from when I was a kid and they were on the top 10 list back then (okay so that was almost -_0- years ago - deliberatelty left blank-zero). To show what a dud I really am, we're giving out goldfish and I thought it would be huge hit!?!!

reverendmother said...

Ugh! Atkinsons! Like eating peanut-flavored fiberglass. The Chron is right on.

reverendmother said...

Although I could live the rest of my life without eating another M&M. The most overrated candy ever.

And Hershey mini's too--the plain ones. Krackel and Mr. Goodbar are OK, Special Dark is decent as far as dark chocolate goes (though I love me the milk choc--and white chocolate! Dreamy!

Jules said...

Simply adorable baby.

Bottle Caps are kinda moderation.

Jody Harrington said...

Okay, so I'm out of it--didn't know Bottle Caps were really candy. I thought someone was handing out real bottle caps. Well if someone is daft enough to hand out Atkinson's bars, why not?

Unknown said...

Milky Way Fun Size are the ultimate Halloween treat, in my opinion.
What a cute baby!
Whoops, are my priorities out of order?

spookyrach said...

What a neat costume - cute baby!

Rever'nd mother - only peanut M&Ms. ONLY peanut. The plain are a waste of time.