Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Vexatious Visioning

Visioning Retreat in the Piney Woods with Semi-Famous Church Consultant and Locally Ubiquitous Church Faciliator is over. This wrapped up 10 months of "visioning" meetings.

Although I feel as overstuffed with information and discussion as a Strasbourg goose being prepared for pate', I am happy to report that this was one denominational meeting that focused on 3 areas of growth: in numbers of churches, in numbers of disciples in those churches and in the engagement of churches in their communities.

What a refreshing change from gatherings that roil the issues of sexuality, ordinations and headquarters pronouncements on national political issues that alienate many members in the pew. Semi-Famous is knowledgeable and seems Spirit-led, which is encouraging. I thought his presentation was helpful. But then maybe that's because he articulated a lot of things that I already thought.

My skepticism for the ecclesiastical and corporate fad of "visioning" was not abated when confronted yet again with Locally Ubiquitous Faciliator. (I amended the rest of this paragraph because what I originally wrote was quite snarky and might identify that person which really wouldn't be fair.) ~sigh~ I have a strong aversion to Locally Ubiquitous which I must work on. Isn't Christian.

A radical new course for our presbytery is now being charted and now we must encourage other key people to buy into this new direction. I'll be a good team player and do my best to help because if this is successful, it could be a model for the reversal of decades of denominational decline.

Nonetheless, as God is my witness, I will never participate in another "visioning process" again. Never. Ever. Again.

And now....must catch up on everything so I can be ready to watch the Astros this evening.


Jules said...

Man, there is a Locally Ubiquitous Facilitator everywhere, isn't there?

Spent a whole Saturday with ours last week.


Emily said...

Yes, church personality types really cross regions and denominations.

The word "visioning" causes me to have an allergic reaction.

Theresa Coleman said...

Visioning causes me to have an allergic reaction, too.
Forming and leading a "Christian Ed Visioning Committee" makes me have hives.
I think a visioning conference would be at least an asthma attack.

Theresa Coleman said...

Visioning causes me to have an allergic reaction, too.
Forming and leading a "Christian Ed Visioning Committee" makes me have hives.
I think a visioning conference would be at least an asthma attack.

mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said...

I feel about "visioning" the same as I feel about "fellowshipping" and "gifting".

when did it become the law that all nouns may be transformed into verbs? Didn't we have enough acceptable verbs?

(Don't get me started on the continual misuse of "its" and "it's", as well as "they're," "their," and "there".)

Sister Mibi is in full rant. Forgive her her sins.

Jody Harrington said...

Preach it, Sister!

Unknown said...

Sheesh, you guys, I *like* doing the vision thing...

will smama said...

Yes you people, as your punishment you must envision Songbird at a visioning conference for at leat 30 seconds.

ps:I'm pretty sure my word verification for this message is a cuss word in spanish.