Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday Five: The Long Goodbye

Songbird posted the weekly RevGalBlogPals Friday Five meme on the subject of saying goodbye today--so I'm playing.

1. How do you say goodbye to someone you will see again soon?

To friends, just "bye-bye", to El Jefe, Portia and Babs, "love you."

2. What is your favorite foreign word for "goodbye"?

Adios. Note the "dios" (God) contained in this Spanish word. Favorite goodbye phrase: Vaya con Dios (Go with God).

3. Have you ever planned a special farewell for someone or had one planned for you?

I've helped plan countless farewell parties over the years for people leaving my workplace, church or social/charitable organizations. I can't remember having one given for me, but then I haven't moved in my adult life since I moved to Houston from San Antonio when I married El Jefe. Okay, now you've made me feel like a stick-in-the-mud!

4. What is the hardest goodbye you have had to say?

Excluding goodbyes associated with funerals and memorial services for loved ones, it was saying goodbye to Babs when we left her at college her freshman year because Portia was already in college and I was facing the "empty nest". A few days later when we took Portia to the airport so she could fly up to her college to begin her junior year, I found it just as difficult to say goodbye to her.

4. What is the most romantic goodbye you have seen in a movie?

A Tale of Two Cities--"It is a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known."

Bonus Question: Which von Trapp child would you like to be in "So long, Farewell"? Liesel.

Songbird's LH will be out-of -state on a two month work assignment, which prompted the topic. I hope the days seem to fly by for both of them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would have guessed Liesl, but I'm not sure why!