Friday, November 09, 2007

BSD Re-Enacts Balaam's Ass

Yesterday and this morning I joined 30+ other leaders of Bible Study Discussion groups at my church for a leaders' retreat at Camp Allen.

I always come away from my time with these ladies inspired and impressed by their dedication, consistency and totally awesome organizational abilities. This year's retreat was led by the now retired founder of the program, and it was fascinating to meet her and her husband and hear their story about the beginnings of BSD. She was amazed to see how it has grown today, and now includes several co-ed groups as well as the traditional women's groups that meet mid-week.

This group really knows how to par-tay, by the way. Yours truly played the dual role of God/Narrator in a never-to-be-forgotten original skit in which my group re-enacted the story of Balaam's Ass. (See Numbers 22). Balaam used stalks of celery to beat the ass with, and the ass wore a bicycle helmet to protect herself. Guess you had to be there!


Lori said...

I'd say that was inspired casting and I sure wish I had been there to see it!

Rev Dave said...

Um...will the video be posted on YouTube?

But wait: presbytery moderator plays God? Isn't that redundant?

Gannet Girl said...

What I want to know about is God's costuming.

Jody Harrington said...

God wore "street clothes", a tiara and a nametag that said "GOD".

When appearing as the narrator, I took off the tiara and turned the nametag around so "GOD" didn't show.

Gannet Girl said...

I always knew that God had a tiara.

Lori said...

And a nametag.

Rev Dave said...

Like we wouldn't know who God is without a nametag!

Gannet Girl said...

Actually, this has given me a great idea for a post, one I've been mulling over for a couple of days: would we recognize God even if God did wear a nametag?

Apparently, as a friend of mine often says, our mileage would vary on that one.

Rev Dave said...

GG stole my thought...I was trying not to get too theological before preaching.