Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking Ahead....

It's almost like the good old days when Portia and Babs were in college and home for Christmas break: they both took off the week between Christmas and New Year's! So we have had fun doing some Mom-Daughter things.

Today I'm off to the spice store in the Heights and lunch with Babs at a trendy restaurant. This evening El Jefe and I take Portia, DK and the in-laws out to dinner at our favorite wine bar/bistro in Sugar Land. We are all eagerly anticipating the birth of our grandson in early March!

In between, I'm starting to look ahead to the New Year and decided it was time to clean up my sidebar. So down comes the link to Presbyterians Today, since I won't be writing Best of the Blogs next year. And up goes a link to the books I am planning to review--hopefully in order that the reviews will appear! 

I am hosting book tours for The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson on February 8 and for Unprotected Texts sometime in February to be determined. (A book tour means that I have accepted a copy of the book for review from the publisher and agreed to post a review on a given date.)

So far I haven't had much luck driving readership to the book blog, but I do think it is useful to have my reviews collected in one place. I would like to do more book reviewing since general blogging is really falling off everywhere.

In the new year I also take on a new position at church: Clerk of Session. It's a long story, but to make it short, after reviewing the officer roles some changes were made this month that put me in that position rather than the one I was originally assigned. 

The main charge, other than the administrative Book of Order role, is to educate the session about denominational issues and upcoming votes at presbytery. Since we vote on the NFOG in February and the Belhar Confession in May that should keep me busy!


Robin said...

Th Lovely Daughter and I are about to venture out for s little seaside shopping. It's so nice to share a few days with them with no other demands than enjoying one another's company.

You will make a wonderful Clerk of Session. Funny, no one has EVER asked me to take that one on . . . .

Jody Harrington said...

Doesn't it say somewhere in the BOO that lawyers on session are required to take turns being the clerk????

Robin said...

A year ago I was memorizing that book. I am 100% sure that it does not include such a risky requirement!

Reformed Catholic said...

Catching up on my reading after taking some time off for the holidays.

Found that you're going to be Clerk of Session. I agree with P.G., you'll be great. The Pastor-spouse is having fun with minutes from the last Session meeting that have whole motions missing. And very important motions at that !!

And I really don't want to bring up the condition of the 'Red Books', Session Minutes & Church Rolls. Having done the work of adding to these books, I can say that writing the minutes in Word, then running the book pages through the laser printer is the way to go !!

Have fun ;)