The campaign for the Texas Governor's race gets curiouser and curiouser. Right-wing born-again Republican Governor Rick Perry threatens to be one-upped in the "I'm more faithful than you" sweepstakes by independent candidate Kinky
The Kinkster is a Jew. Remember the 70's era country western band Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys? Well, I do, but maybe a lot of you don't. One of the band's more memorable songs was "They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore." Kinky's political viewpoint is more libertarian than anything else, so his latest political ad in which he quotes the Gospel of John and says he wants to be the Good Shepherd is...well...unique.
Click here to view it.
Couldn't really be all that much more unlikely as a governor than our Austrian body builder, could he?
Well, ok, that kind of made my evening.
I'm from California. And many in this state will be so totally jealous if y'all get to have a "Governor Kinky".
I have to confess that the idea of Governor Kinky is awfully tempting...
I don't know about y'all, but I freakin' love Texas politics. Regardless of who wins or loses, it is always a circus. Always!
So far, I'm voting for Kinky. Maybe... (Although I confess to believing he will split the democratic vote and we will end up getting stuck with that Good Hair Doofus again.)
The Scientist is determined to vote for Kinky. His boss considers him a flaming liberal because he has a Kinky bumper sticker on his truck.
Did you see the beautiful Australian cattle dog in that ad? Not as beautiful as mine, of course.
As a Texan, I like Kinky. I'm inclined to vote for the man.
However, he seems to have a tin ear on faith matters. His ads often lampoon people of faith as ignorant buffoons or politicians with a false piety. Now in this ad, he gives himself a title that we reserve for Jesus Christ.
Kinky won't take my advice, but he's got to do a better job. We're pulling for you, man.
There's no way a Democrat is going to win--Chris Bell trails Governor Goodhair, The Tough Grandma and Kinky last time I looked. Bell even was behind all 3 of them in name recognition!
You might as well vote for the Kinkster. I will if you will! We can join with El Jefe and the Scientist.
Well, I see my beloved hubby is pulling for Kinky (James, who commented above). I want y'all to be clear that it was I who was first in the family to pull for Kinky.
I see a Kinky Alliance forming in this webring. Yes, I will be voting for him. I don't like his stance on pot, but I like him.
You're right about that, QG. I'm a die-hard democrate and I know nothing about Bell. He really needs some better strategy!
Kinky seems to run off at the mouth too much, but dang! At least he's interesting!
As his campaign slogan says, "Kinky for Governor...Why the Hell Not?"
My 17 year old son told me the other day that he expected that I would vote for Kinky. THat makes me not want to....! but maybe he knows something I don't?
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