Friday, September 29, 2006

King of Kings Comes To Town

Here's the latest from the religious front in Houston: Jose Luis DeJesus Miranda has come to town and opened a branch of his "learning center" Creciendo En Gracia. Miranda is not just another non-denominational Christian preacher. No! He claims that Christ "entered and integrated in him" so that he is now Christ and can teach all the mysteries of the Bible. News Flash: There is no more sin or devil! Here's the report from a local TV news station that tipped me off to this development.

Your humble correspondent will add Miranda (a/k/a King of Kings) to her local watch list that currently includes The Oasis of Love and the home of the Birthday Party.


Anonymous said...

Wow. no more sin!

spookyrach said...

Boy oh boy. Houston is just thisclose to heaven, ain't it?

Karen Sapio said...

Wow. The conversations between Miranda and Osteen and the local ministerial association breakfasts must be really interesting. . .

Anonymous said...

Didn't he hear that Rev. Moon, along with maybe Tom Cruise :), has that market cornered!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

This is just one more incarnation of the same old, same old...

"There is concern that this could become a cult..."

Become! Oh yeah. I.Think.It.Is.Already.

Questing Parson said...

Well, this is going to complicate things for the Rapture folks.

Lori said...

Wait! What does the Bogwan Shree Rashneesh say about this? And how long before TBN picks the guy up for a show? Look out Benny!