Yesterday I was surveying the rows of books in my office at church. There are about 6 bookshelves full of my personal books--concordances, parallel Bibles, books I used for reference and classes. I was trying to make a plan for transferring all those books back home next week, but then I realized that I don't have any spare bookshelf space at home.
I gave Portia and DK the bookshelves from her bedroom, so I don't have those anymore. Babs brought home two shopping bags full of books she read this summer for me to read and I don't have room to shelve them either. El Jefe's ever-growing collection of Civil War related books continues to expand like an amoeba throughout the house. Something has to give.
I don't want to buy another set of bookshelves for Portia's former bedroom--I think the answer is that it's time for some serious weeding out of old books. Guess that will be our project for the weekend, but it's hard to get El Jefe to agree to part with books. He has a friend who built a two-story library, complete with a rolling ladder to reach the second floor. I'm worried that he'll want to borrow his friend's building plans...
I gave Portia and DK the bookshelves from her bedroom, so I don't have those anymore. Babs brought home two shopping bags full of books she read this summer for me to read and I don't have room to shelve them either. El Jefe's ever-growing collection of Civil War related books continues to expand like an amoeba throughout the house. Something has to give.
I don't want to buy another set of bookshelves for Portia's former bedroom--I think the answer is that it's time for some serious weeding out of old books. Guess that will be our project for the weekend, but it's hard to get El Jefe to agree to part with books. He has a friend who built a two-story library, complete with a rolling ladder to reach the second floor. I'm worried that he'll want to borrow his friend's building plans...
Why worry?
Two-story home libraries are really cool.
Norman, OK
Join the 'what the heck to we do with all of these books' club!
My house is filled with them.
I have boxes filled with them, stacked in every corner.
My study is overflowing with them.
The hallway is packed with them.
"My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh."
Ecclesiastes 12:12
Qoheleth knew what he was talking about!
Oh, I wonder if his friend would like to move in here for awhile. I could use a 2-story library. Three would be better, though.
Two years ago I went through my library and tossed out MANY books. Why? A retired pastor had just donated his library to the church. There were a few books that I would term useful--but most of them were outdated. Most of these books ended up in our church library because no one wanted to hurt this dear man's feelings! So... I took a serious look at my library! To my shock, and horror, my library was looking strangly like that retired pastor's library. If I had not used the book in the past ten years it was thrown out--unless there was a complelling reason to keep it.
I'm looking at forty years of collected books on the walls surrounding me here. I realize most are as much of a relic as I. The internet has become the library. Can you imagine a pastor's study in 20 years? There may even be pictures on the wall, if not a plasma screen.
IKEA Billy Bookshelves $59.00!! My wife has used them for years, and they've recently made some improvements that make them even sturdier.
I've culled my books quite a bit. I realize that most of my books aren't treasures I need to keep, most are experiences that I've had -- like seeing a good movie. Good for a time, but not eternal. I keep the ones with more treasure-like value and dispose of the one-time experiences.
Weeding my library would be like committing one of the acts rhat the Confesions call Sin. Besides, f you can't handle more bookcases. buy some that deeper shelves and double stack them. This deals with the space issued but is not sinful.
I would love to have a two story library--actually, one of my visions for a one-day dream house is a Henry Higgins-esque library.
My spiritual director once said my books were like friends, and that's true. I love them dearly and they've seen me through thick and thin, always with words of advice, soaking up tears, or bringing me to a new place. I would have a tough time parting with them, and they're the thing I would mourn most were I to lose my house to fire or flood. Don't be so hard on the poor guy! Books are good! Better than video games.
wooooowwww! Library! 2 Stories!
When I was leaving a pastoral job nine years ago, and looking at staying home with my soon expected infant instead of seeking a new call right away, I had the same problem. My husband came into my office at the church one day and looked around, "Now, how many of these books are actually yours?" he asked.
"All of them," I replied. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.
If I didn't hate clutter so much my house would resemble an OCD book collector pack rat's. I have a better habit now, the popular books I read go into a bag for library donation. And yet, hmmmm, and yet, those books on scripture reference, physics and science have been piling up. But I HAVE to keep those!! I refer to them all the time!!! Wait a minute......what's that sound? Oh, I think I know where we lost the cat!
maybe El Jefe could send the plans here ...
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