Friday, January 06, 2006

Scrappy Ministers of the Cloth Quilt

Isn't this a gorgeous quilt? The Ministers of the Cloth (the quilting group at my church) are raffling off this scrap quilt to raise money to support their fabric-habit. The kitty is depleted after several years of constant construction of baptism quilts, quilts for wounded soldiers, quilts for the Ronald McDonald House and other charities, and the auction quilts for our church school.

So these enterprising ladies made this scrap quilt from all the bits left over that they carefully saved. Quilters are the original recyclers, you understand. Of course they did have to buy the black fabric for the sashing and borders that holds it together--but then they really NEEDED that field trip to the quilt shop in Galveston and the lunch by the Gulf and the laughter and fun in the cars as they drove down together. So that was a good thing.

And so it the quilt. May it bring in enough money to fund them their good works for several more years!


Jules said...

It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...


and fun trip by the sounds of it !