Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More on the Stated Clerk Election

Continuing yesterday's topic, there are a couple of interesting posts at Presbyblog (written by Bob Davis, a California pastor) about the process of electing a new Stated Clerk, which fellow PresbyBloggers may be interested in reading.

Davis presents a critical analysis of the Standing Rules governing the election process, recommending that the rules be suspended. In his next post, he reconsiders that idea and instead advocates amending the Standing Rules. Davis previously "stood" for Stated Clerk, but says he will not do so in 2008.

It does seem that the Standing Rules unreasonably restrict the ability of GA commissioners to evaluate candidates for this important position, if his analysis is correct. It will be interesting to see if anyone brings a motion to amend to the floor and if so, how the commissioners deal with it.

Hat Tip goes to Presbyweb again!

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