Saturday, February 09, 2008

Double the Blessing

The highlight of today's presbytery meeting was the motion to approve the requests of two New Church Developments to be fully chartered as churches in the PCUSA: Peace Presbyterian and Biyaya. It was especially meaningful to me because one of the congregations meets in the church we used to attend, and we know several friends who have been working very hard to establish the other congregation in an area just east of our home.

Both congregations are in the southwest suburban area of Houston where I live. Both are multicultural, though one of them is primarily Filipino. What a joy it was to see members of both congregations come to the front of the church where presbytery was meeting in support of their petition to charter and to pray for the continued success and expansion of their mission and ministry!

That was an event that is not likely to be repeated this year, and certainly doesn't happen every year, so I'm very privileged to have the opportunity to participate in the chartering process. A double blessing, to be sure.


Anonymous said...

I love these moments. Sounds like cool things are happening on your watch.

Alan said...

I will share your joys tomorrow at our worship.


Jody Harrington said...

Alan--How cool to have this news shared with your congregation in Oregon!