Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today the media is going 6-crazy. While driving to the church this morning a local talk show host was stirring up the paranoids in the audience encouraging them to call in with their signs of the End Times. Since today is June 6, 2006 and all. (6-6-6 -- the sign of the Beast in Revelation).

I was not listening to a religious station, by the way, but a normal news station.

So here is what I heard:

~ The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. They must know something because their calendar was very accurate. So on 6-6-6 we only have 6 more years before the world comes to an end.

~ According to Revelation, Russia, Iran and Iraq will band together to try to destroy Israel just before the End Times and that is what Iran is trying to put together now.

~ Houston has a professional soccer team: a sure sign the end is nigh.

~ In Ezekiel, God found some dry bones and made Israel and since then the prophecies have held so beware 6-6-6. (Uh-huh.)

I heard all that in about 5 minutes before turning it off. Then I decided that anyone can play this game.

Here are QG's signs of the Apocalypse:

~ Having our Texas Republican Governor and Legislature pass significant tax increases and try to tell us that they CUT our taxes. Yeah, verily, it is written:
Behold, thy horses and property are not safe when the Texas Legislature is in session. I say unto you that the Texas Consitution should have provided that it meet once every 100 years for 2 days instead of once every 2 years for 100 days.
Book of Billy Bob, chapter 3, verses 14-17
~ While I'm on the subject of our Governor, he wants to implement a plan to put cameras on the Texas-Mexico border so we can all watch people illegally enter the country on the internet. Oh, that's brilliant. Our Governor Peter-Principled out when he attained the position of Aggie Yell Leader.

~ Acceptance of an atheist into membership of a Presbyterian Church in Austin. But I've mentioned this before. 'Nuff said.

~One million dollars is being offered for pictures of "Branjelina's" baby.

~ Al Gore is back on the campaign trail.

So how about you? Feel like playing along with the 6 crazies today? Add your signs of the End in the comments.


Anonymous said...

1. Fried Twinkies.
2. More Americans now drink wine than beer.
3. W. Bush sides with Ted Kennedy on immigration.
4. Preachers who preach from "The Message" in the pulpit.
5. The Toronto 'Laughing Revival'.
6. Bill Murray is regarded by critics as a serious actor.

Yup, we're in for it!

Unknown said...

Well, considering the results of the 2000 election were one of my first signs of the Apocalypse, I probably better keep away from your #6. ;-)

spookyrach said...

Can I just add how amazed I am to thing that Gov. Perry will go down in history as the Great Uniter. Never have Texas, red and blue alike, ever been so in agreement about a politician.

Don't nobody think that boy's worth shootin.

Anonymous said...

1. Red Sox Win 2004 World Series
2. The White Sox win 2005 World Series
3. Now all we need is the Cubs to win and the world will definitely end that night.
4. My Ordination
5. Having more than one date a year
6. Blogs

Unknown said...

My father in law was 66 yesterday. They got up and drank cha,pagne at six minutes past six.

So thats 6:06 on 06/06/06 at 66. I am beginning to worry about his offspring - my husband.....