Saturday, June 17, 2006

GA Bloggers' Roundup--Saturday night

Although there were no big decisions made today at the PCUSA General Assembly, a number of bloggers who are attending posted perceptive and interesting reports on what they have observed and experienced.

Will Spotts filed a detailed report of the proceedings before the committee hearing the pro and anti-divestment overtures, which is a must read for anyone interested in this issue. Apostle John also filed his observations about debate on this subject. .

Russell Smith has a fascinating take on the difference he perceives in this year's commissioners' attitude towards staff reports and direction. He says that while the attitude is properly respectful, it is clear that they understand "Clifton Kirkpatrick is our employee and not the pope." Russell reports that the official staff is not getting its way in several committees--as well as the one he serves on that did not approve the proposed Per Capita overture and the proposal to close the Montreat Historical Center. Speaking of the Per Capita overture, Andy Moye also posted a fine report on this turn of events.

Keep these bloggers and the commissioners in your prayers as they continue to try to do God's will on behalf of all of us. Soli Deo Gloria!


Russell Smith said...

Thanks for the link and the comment on the Eagle and Child. Just a quick update -- after much deliberation, the Committee reversed decision on the Montreat overture and did give the OGA what they wanted -- but it was a long and tiring battle.

Apostle John said...

I was interested in Russell Smith's comments about staff. I have been to several GAs and never picked up on people viewing Clif Kirkpatrick as a pope. Most commissioners come to GA not really knowing anyone on GA staff. I suppose it is all due to who you hange with.