Monday, June 12, 2006

Last Minute Tricks at Mission Presbytery?

From the It May Be Legal But Is It Right Department:

Presbyweb reported late this weekend that Mission Presbytery ordered a stay of enforcement of the order directing St. Andrews Presbyterian Church to move the name of atheist Robert Jensen from the "membership" roll to the "baptised" roll. ( I didn't link Presbyweb because it is a subscription site.)

Classical Presbyterian, who attended the Mission Presbytery meeting as a minister member, raises questions about how this was done here.

Remember, friends, it's not over until it's over. And it's not over yet by a long shot.

1 comment:

Karen Sapio said...

I've seen this happen before--not on an issue with a liberal/conservative split, but on an issue my old Presbytery was very divided about. It was a well known fact that many folks left after dinner on the first day of Presbytery meetings,(which were two day affairs)--local folks to get some family time, out of town folks to visit friends in town to or see a show if the meeting was happening in Portland. Bowing to this reality, the docket for after dinner was usually the less vital stuff--or an educational/inspirational speaker. However once a group who wanted a certain outcome manouvered to get something on the docket during that "empty house" time and the rest of us arrived the next morning to find that a decision got made that most of us did not want. Luckily, we were able to carry a motion to reconsider and reversed the decision. Would you consider running for Mom of Presbytery??