Woof! Woof! Woof!
There's a lot of barking required during a hurricane. I have to bark when:
the wind blows really loud
the big tree falls on the backyard fence
the security alarm wails because the power went off
Flashlights are being used
the security alarm wails because the power came back on
QG and Babs have a Come to Jesus Meeting with the alarm and cut its wires
Olivia took my toy squirrel
Strange people are spending the night
Strange people are using computers in the kitchen
QG is giving ice to the workmen across the street
the doorbell rings
Olivia is sleeping in my bed
the phone rings
Whew. I'm tired. Time for a nappy-pooh.
Note from QG--it's been hard on the pets, too.
Tell me about it. I had to hang out with Cody and Otto, who live with my grandma, and they are SO boring. I didn't bark, but I was scared! I'm glad it's over!
Yeah, it's a bunch of hard work to take care of everything in a hurricane. We had to sit on laps, play with our people and just be exhausted taking care of EVERYTHING.
Bea, for a dog, you are way cute.
Beatrice, your family is very lucky to have you. How else would they know that all those important things were happening?
Your friend,
Tipper (who was not so happy about Ike's midwest appearance herself)
Dear Beatrice,
Me and my people are glad that you and your people made it through the hurricane all right. They are lucky to have you there looking after them.
Newman the Catahoula
Dear Beatrice,
Your people sound really nice, though your house sounds like crazy hard work. Still and all, I'll bet you do NOT get locked up in pantry prison at night like me and Lucy, the best cat.
You are very brave, going through that herrrrricane and all. I would share my treats with you if you came over. I would give you Lucy's *hee hee hee*
Your feline friend,
Cally the main cat
PS, if you come over, please bust me and Lucy out of pantry prison in the night time!!!
Dear Beatrice,
You are a credit to dogs everywhere!! I salute you!!!
OAF!!! OAF!!!
Your friend in Maine,
We are glad Ike didn't come here. Thanks for the update.
Baillie and Cisco (and the cat could care less)
We are so glad that you were brave enough to take care of all of that!!
Gingerbean and Molly who did not sit together to type this.
Glad you and your pets made it through.
Growing up in Miami I lived thru several hurricanes as a kid. One time Dad decided to let our little terrier "Louie" out for a quick break during the eye of the storm. Unfortunately, the gate had come open on the back yard fence and Louie took off down the road towards the elementary school. Dad took off after him, I was crying, Mom fussing. Dad finally caught up with the errant dog when he got caught in the school's fence and the two made it back just before the 2nd act of the storm began. Glad to know your pups are holding up so well.
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